GBM & CME – Preventive Measures and Cardiovascular Health


Save the Date: A CME on Preventive Measures and Cardiovascular Health

The Society of CVPR, in collaboration with Dr. L H Hiranandani Hospital, is excited to present an engaging Continuing Medical Education (CME) event that delves into the realms of metabolic disorders, cardiovascular conditions, coronary anatomy, and post-surgical recovery. This comprehensive program includes master sessions by renowned metabolic physicians, insightful discussions of classic case studies, ECG interpretation, and expert contributions from senior cardiovascular thoracic surgeons and cardiologists. Particularly, the event will focus on cardiac rehabilitation in scenarios such as heart failure and AICD implementation. We invite you to be a part of this enriching experience that promises to broaden your understanding of diabetes and obesity remission, post-surgical rehabilitation, ICU care, and the implementation of carefully monitored exercise regimens for diverse cardiac patients.

Event Highlights:

  • Master sessions by renowned metabolic physicians
  • Insightful discussions of classic case studies
  • ECG interpretation sessions
  • Expert contributions from senior cardiovascular thoracic surgeons and cardiologists
  • Addressing cardiac rehabilitation in scenarios like heart failure and AICD implementation

Event Details:

  • Where: 13th Floor, Dr. L H Hiranandani Hospital, Powai
  • When: 27th August, Sunday

Registration and Fees:

  • Till 18th August Rs. 500 for all
  • After 18th August, For Members: Rs. 500
  • For Non-Members: Rs. 800
  • Queries? , contact: Dr. Greeshma 9167955003

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